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Learn How To preach Messages that produce encounters with The Transforming Grace of Christ - in the next 30 days.
For Beginners & Veterans Alike - Unlock The Power of the Word Within You & Develop Your Voice!

The Quantum Preaching Masterclass is for anyone who desires to preach messages that supernaturally awaken the hearts of all who hear... causing them to be moved by your message for weeks, months, and even years. Right now, get lifetime access for only $99 (Normally $197). Offer Expires Soon.
We're so confident that this 30-day Masterclass will improve your walk with God and increase your ability to communicate the Gospel, that we guarantee it.
If you go through the 30 daily lessons and complete the daily challenges and don't see tangible improvement just let us know and we'll give you a full refund and let you keep full access to the Masterclass and all of the bonuses.

What I didn't expect was the way this class would impact me personally. I mean, yes, talking in front of people is personal for sure...but, this class is really affecting my soul... Thanks so much!
Corrie H.

This course has given me the types of tips and direction I've longed for when it comes to advancing my communication skill and preaching... Most of all, this class has helped me give myself permission to actually move forward with something I feel deeply called and intensely passionate about.
Ronnie B.

There is so much rich teaching in Quantum Preaching to help in all areas of sharing the Gospel with a group of people. I am learning to share the gospel so much better, and not from the pulpit! Yeah!
Joann G.
Let's Face The Truth... Most Sermons Leave People Feeling Confused, Condemned, And Clueless...
If we want God to move through our messages, we must leave behind the worn-out "traditional" ways of preaching and step into the same power & love that Jesus preached with.
These types of sermons tend to only activate "intellectual" faith or "emotional" faith.
If intellectual, the faith is swayed by any other well given intellectual argument. There is no real depth.
Simply put, if you can argue people into something, you can argue them out of it.
If emotional, the faith may cause people to respond to an altar call and leave them feeling convicted, but it tends to only last for a week or two.
Again, it's a surface level faith with no real root.
If you want to activate a faith that goes past the mind and emotions, you must preach from a "quantum" level. This is where the faith you impart connects to the spirit of a person, renewing their minds for true, lasting tranformation.
The Quantum Preaching Masterclass is a 30-day online training program designed to help you preach more transformational sermons.
Who is it for?
This Masterclass is for anyone who has a desire to preach the Gospel. Whether you're just starting or have been preaching for years, you'll glean lots of insight and wisdom for preaching.
How does it work?
When you join, you'll be part of a step-by-step class of 30 daily lessons that guide you through every part of the Quantum Preaching methodology. Follow along or go at your own pace.
Where does it take place?
This study takes place in an online membership portal & private group with emails guiding you through the journey. You'll get daily challenges to help you apply what you're learning.
What can I expect?
As you go through the lessons, you can expect for your ability to communicate to increase as your confidence grows. You can also expect your call to be renewed with a fresh passion for the Gospel.
Why does it exist?
We created this class because we realized that most sermon training only teaches an intellectual and emotional strategy instead of a Spirit-Filled, life transforming way of preaching.

Discover & Develop Your Voice
Everyone has a voice, but many are lost in the ways of the world and don't carry the weight they were meant to carry. Through this powerful journey you'll discover and develop your voice so that people's lives are touched as you speak.Â
ÂBecome a Master Communicator & Story Teller
Not only will you tap into the quantum level of communication, but you'll also get practical insights on speaking publicly and sharing stories that bring the Gospel to life. By becoming a master communicator and story teller, your audience will hang on every word and remember what's important.
ÂIncrease Your Influence
Influence comes through relationship and being a person of value. If you want to increase your influence so that you can effectively speak into people's lives you must know how to step into radical honor and how to simply "tap the rudder" instead of capsizing the boat.
Build Confidence Without Arrogance
Through the masterclass you're going to be challenged and you'll discover how to live a lifestyle that emulates Jesus. This in turn, will dramatically increase your confidence.
ÂCarry the Sound of Heaven
This is what Quantum Preaching is all about. As you carry the sound of the Love of God within you through the Power of the Spirit, people are transformed just by being around you. Add your voice to this sound and what you speak brings people to life.
ÂLive The Quantum Lifestyle
When you join today, you'll be guided through the following 30 lessons (though you can go at your own pace).
Day 1: Study To Learn - Discover the difference between studying to preach and studying to learn.
Day 2: Your Look is Loud - Discover how changing your "look" can change your influence.
Day 3: Offering Your Gift With Humility - Discover how a lack of humility can keep you from being effective in your communication and how to take care of it.
Day 4: Analyzing The Message - What to do in a message to get people interacting, engaged, and asking internal questions.
Day 5: Dealing With The Fear Of Public Speaking - Discover how to get over the fear of public speaking through love.
Day 6: Building A Runway Of Respect - Discover the power of respect to make the biggest difference before you say a word.

Day 7: The Power Of The Parable 1 - Discover how to effectively use story in your message to take people on an epic journey that brings transformation.
Day 8: Information vs. Revelation - Discover the difference between revelation and just information.
Day 9: Crafting The Message - Discover how to preach your message so that it hits home with the people you're talking to.
Day 10: Getting The Word Into Your Heart - Discover how to easily remember Scripture so it becomes a part of who you are.
Day 11: Your Life Is A Message - Discover how to pull illustrations from your daily life for powerful sermons.
Day 12: The Power Of The Parable 2 - Discover how to see the 1000s of parables that are happening around you every day.

Day 13: The Public Speaking Checklist 1 - Discover the most important things you don't want to forget when speaking publicly.
Day 14: Skill & Anointing - Discover how anointing and skill will increase your confidence in public ministry.
Day 15: The Public Speaking Checklist 2 - Discover the most powerful things you must do to be a better public speaker.
Day 16: Building A Team Ministry - Discover how to surround yourself with the right people to make ministry more effective.
Day 17: Building Sermon Notes - Discover the 5 essentials to sermon notes that can fit on a 3x5 card.
Day 18: The Four Goals Of Quantum Preaching - Discover the science of sound to release healing and wholeness to people.

Day 19: The Carrier Signal Of Love - Discover the sound of love that carries much more than just a revelation of God.
Day 20: Your Voice Can Carry Your Dream -Â Discover how to step into greater confidence when you are speaking.
Day 21: Provoking True Faith - Discover how to move people to true faith that lasts and isn't gone two weeks later.
Day 22: Impartation Of Wisdom - Discover one of the biggest keys to being a great preacher of the Word of God.
Day 23: Danny Silk & Joel Marion - Discover stories of gaining confidence and loving the people you're talking to.
Day 24: Delivering Diamonds - Discover the correct way to share revelation diamonds so people receive it.

Day 25: Teaching & Restoring - Discover how to effectively teach & restore someone who has fallen to the wayside.
Day 26: Carnal Cleverness Vs Spiritual Power - Discover the difference between a clever speech vs one that carries the power of God.
Day 27: Finding Your Focus (SME) - Discover how finding your focus will help you change the world with your message.
Day 28: A Few Final Words - Discover some foundational tips that are super important to have in place when you speak.
Day 29: What About Introverts? - Discover how to minister effectively if you are an introvert or an extrovert.
Day 30: Three, Two, One - Be launched into a year long challenge to become a master communicator of the Gospel.

#1: 30-Day Quantum Preaching MasterClass
Discover the core principles of Quantum Preaching that have been developed over 30 years of preaching.
30 Video Lessons
A new lesson gets released every day for 30 days. Follow along or go at your own pace.
30 Quantum Challenges
Each lesson comes with an optional challenge to help you activate the lesson into your life.
Lifetime Access
Go through the class as often as you'd like at your own pace.
#2: Private Community Access
Surround yourself with successful preachers and students on the same journey.
Live Community Sessions
This includes periodic Q&A sessions as well as Revelation Roundtables where we dig into a revelation together.
Get Sermon Feedback
Share sermons within in the group for feedback from others.
#3: GRADUATION BONUS - Sermon Vault
Complete the masterclass for access to over 300 hours of teaching and sermons that are easily worth triple the price of this Masterclass.
Power & Presence Series
This series includes over 12 hours of teaching on doing ministry with the Power of the Holy Spirit through Spiritual Joyfare.Â
Constant Updates
TOTAL VALUE: $970.00


Why Quantum Preaching?
Scientifically, every object gives off a vibration or a sound. If you carry the sound of the love of God when you speak and you do so with excellence, it can cause actual physical change within someone, setting them free. That's why you must tap into Quantum Preaching!
I Don't Know If I'm Anointed For This...
Through this class, you'll discover the key of studying to learn instead of studying to preach. This, as well as developing your speaking skill can help you step into the anointing of God and become a master communicator.
But I Struggle With Fear of Public Speaking...
As you discover how to carry the sound of love with you as you speak, you'll quickly discover that you won't have any time to be afraid. You'll be focused too much on loving the people you're ministering to.
I Don't Really Have Anything To Say...
When you start seeing through a new covenant mindset, which we'll show you how, you'll realize that the Bible and your every day experiences start coming alive in new ways and you'll always have something to share.
Is The Training Downloadable?
All of the training and teaching is available in a private member's area. The 30-Day videos aren't downloadable though. They stream from within that Member's area. All of the Sermons and extra teachings are downloadable in MP3 format and/or MP4 format.
How Much Time Is Needed?
While there is a new video that is unlocked every day for 30 days, you can go through the Masterclass at your own pace. If you choose to only do one video per week, you can do that. The time per lesson varies from 15 minutes to 30 minutes. You have a lot of freedom.
Meet Your Teacher:

Bill Vanderbush
If you ask Bill what he does, this is what he might say. "I write books and give talks on mystical spirituality defined in Christ."
Bill and Traci Vanderbush have been in ministry for over 30 years. Bill grew up on the mission field, traveling all over the world and seeing thousands impacted by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He married his childhood best friend and high school sweetheart, Traci, in 1991.
Bill and his wife, Traci, currently travel, speaking in conferences and churches around the world. Bill’s consuming passion is to introduce people to the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, who still saves, delivers, and heals. He enjoys empowering others to invade the impossible. Bill and Traci currently live in Orlando, Florida.