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YES! I'm Ready To Unlock The Power Of The Word Within Me & Develop My True Voice To Preach Messages That Produce Encounters... In The Next 30 Days!

We're so confident that this 30-day Masterclass will improve your walk with God and increase your ability to communicate the Gospel, that we guarantee it.
If you go through the 30 daily lessons and complete the daily challenges and don't see tangible improvement just let us know and we'll give you a full refund and let you keep full access to the Masterclass and all of the bonuses.
Normally $197 - Now ONLY $99 - Offer Expires Soon

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30 Day Masterclass
Every day, for 30 days, receive a new video that takes you principle by principle through developing your voice to share more engaging & life-changing sermons.
Private Group Access
Access a private group we created on Facebook exclusively for students of the Masterclass. It's a place to interact, complete daily challenges, and test your skill - receiving feedback from fellow members.Â
Complete all 30 days of the Masterclass – whether you complete it in the first 30 days or a year from now – and unlock the following bonuses!
Power & Presence
This sermon series dives deep into spiritual warfare, or as we like to call it, spiritual joyfare!Â
The Sermon Vault
Not only do you get the sermon series, we're going to give you access to over 300 hours of sermons that have been preached over the years to specific people at specific times.Â

This course has given me the types of tips and direction I've longed for when it comes to advancing my communication skill and preaching... Most of all, this class has helped me give myself permission to actually move forward with something I feel deeply called and intensely passionate about.
Ronnie B.

What I didn't expect was the way this class would impact me personally. I mean, yes, talking in front of people is personal for sure...but, this class is really affecting my soul... Thanks so much!
Corrie H.