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I am sending you the "Preach Sermons That Produce Encounters" email & video series.
You will receive an email that looks like the following:
From Name: Bill Vanderbush
Subject Line: [QP: Part 1 of 5] The mission of everyone who preaches
This is the first email in the 5-Part series.
(If you don't receive the email in the next 3 minutes, please check your Promotions & Spam folders - I recommend that you drag the email into your Primary inbox so that you don't miss any of the lessons.)
"QP" stands for Quantum Preaching. It's a way of approaching preaching that doesn't leave people confused, clueless, or condemned afterwards.
The email series will explain this in much more depth!
Over the next 5 days you'll get one email each day that takes you on a journey to preach sermons that produce encounters... whether you're a seasoned veteran or a beginner.
In these emails, I'll also share 3 videos from my 30-day Quantum Preaching Masterclass (learn more about it here).
It took us a while to put this series together for you, so we hope you enjoy it.
After the series, I'll tell you all about the Quantum Preaching Masterclass if you want to go deeper into applying the process to your life.
For now, commit to opening the emails in the series (all marked with [QP: Part # of 5]).
Sound good?
Let's get started!

Bill Vanderbush
God is better than you can imagine!