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ATTENTION Spirit-Filled Christians:

Discover How Every Believer Can Live a Mystical, Faith-Filled Lifestyle of Radical Miracles & God Encounters!

This is Your Special Invitation to a 2+ Hour Live Class on 'Living A Mystical Lifestyle' with Bill Vanderbush on Tuesday, May 12th @ 7:44 PM Eastern.

CLICK PLAY TO HEAR HOW... *Make Sure Your Sound Is On*

Learn the 'Mystical Lifestyle' Keys to

Experiencing God in Supernatural Ways... this ONE-TIME Live Class!

  • KEY #1: How to connect more intimately with God in the stillness of life through 'Contemplative Listening Prayer'. 

  • KEY #2: How to navigate the thin places in time and space so that time works for you instead of you being controlled by it.

  • KEY #3: How to live in & interact with the "unseen" realm of the Kingdom so that you can live an empowered life in the "seen" realm of earth.

  • ​KEY #4: Discover the spirituality of sound and how to release different sounds & frequencies that give off life.

  • ​KEY #5: How to live in tangible peace in the most terrible storms you may face by learning how to orchestrate atmospheres.

  • KEY #6: Discover the sword of speech and how your tongue carries the power of life and death.

  • KEY #7: How to let the Spirit flow effortlessly through every area of your life by stepping into 'Christological Union'.

  • KEY #8: How to manifest the very likeness of Christ Himself in your life through the grace of corrective sonship.

  • ​Plus, much more: Get everything you need to live a mystical lifestyle in today's world. No religion. No struggle. Just Jesus.

  • ​Live "Ask Me Anything": At the end of the class, you'll be able to ask me any questions you have, live!

Are you tired of hearing stories of people having amazing supernatural experiences with God but they rarely (or never) happen to you?
How would you like to experience God in new and wonderful ways every day instead of constantly struggling to know His will for your life?
How much BETTER would your life be?

In this special LIVE Training event, you'll spend 2+ hours with me (Bill Vanderbush - Co-Author of The Forgotten Way & Reckless Grace) on unlocking a lifestyle of mystery that goes beyond your own understanding...
(This 2+ hour session is on Tuesday, May 12 @7:44 pm eastern)
These are life-transforming, mind-melting revelations that I've spent years digging into with some amazing results...
In fact, just this past week, we were given a new home to live in, RENT FREE!
On top of that, random unexpected donations showed up from nowhere... simply as we live in the rest of the Father...
(and you get a "tell all" training on how to live a mystical lifestyle in today's world without the "roller-coaster" lifestyle of fighting sin as most believers live)
Here's how this exclusive training works:
Step 1 - Reserve your spot TODAY by filling out the form below...
Step 2 - You attend the LIVE 2+ hour virtual class with me... where you'll discover how to live a faith-filled mystical lifestyle of radical miracles & God encounters.
(Join Bill for a 2+ hour session on Tuesday, May 12 @7:44 pm eastern)
Step 3 - At the end of the training, if (for ANY reason or none whatsoever) you feel like it WASN'T worth your time or money, simply email me and I'll give you a FULL, 100% refund... and I'll even let you keep lifetime access to all of the bonuses & the class replay!
No questions asked!
This means, you can register today, join us on the class, and then decide it wasn't for you and let us know. 
Not only will we give you a full refund, you'll get to keep lifetime access to the bonuses & to the replay of the class... as if you never had to pay in the first place!
NOTE: If you can't make the class LIVE, I will send you the replay & include all bonuses!

Here's Everything You Get:

LIVE 2+ Hour Virtual Class + Replay ($444+ Value)

 Live "Ask Me Anything" ($444+ Value)

 BONUS: Digital Version of Power & Presence Series - 12 hours of teaching on Spiritual Joyfare (Normally $24)

Total Value: $444+

Register Today For ONLY $444 $44!

"Ok... But What's the Catch?"

There is no catch!
I truly believe that this class will help you develop a faith-filled mystical lifestyle full of radical miracles & God encounters...
... so, that's why I'm willing to let you try it out for no risk whatsoever on your part. 
Again, you can simply ask for a refund afterwards and we'll give it to you AND let you keep access to everything anyway!
I'm doing this because right now is the time for mystics to rise up and live a life that demonstrates the glorious freedom of being a child of God...
Don't hesitate. Join now. 

Join Bill for a 2+ hour session on Tuesday, May 12 @ 7:44 pm eastern

Your Name:

Your Email:


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