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YES, I'm Ready To Gain A Fresh New Covenant Perspective Of The Book Of James & Live a More Victorious and Full Life In Christ!
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OVERVIEW: The book of James takes a deep dive into what it looks like for us to live a victorious life in Christ. You'll be empowered to live fully in this 9 part study. Join two Pastors at the table, and bring your Bible.
9-Day Guided Journey
Take a 9-day verse-by-verse journey through James with daily emails & videos. Or you can go at your own pace.
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Lifetime Access
Go through this study once, twice, or a thousand times, up to you.Â

Thanks for doing this study. It's so great to find things taught from the New Covenant, "new man" perspective!! So many churches are teaching a mixture of law and grace. This is a breath of fresh air.
Joan N.

Oh my goodness...Holy Spirit is opening up so many new areas of revelation. I can barely sleep at night for binging on all this wonderful wisdom, knowledge, revelation...I lack words really.
Peggy J.

Wow wow wow. I started this journey through Ephesians today and my mind is blown. I LOVE learning about the Word!!!!! It’s better than I ever could have imagined. If you are hungry for truth, I highly recommend this study. Just incredible.
Katie T.