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Take a Life-Changing Verse-By-Verse Journey Through The Book Of Hebrews With a New covenant Lens – in the next 21 days!

 The Jesus is Better - Hebrews Bible Study is for any believer who wants their faith awakened to the realities of the New Covenant Jesus paid for. Hebrews is the New Covenant Handbook that makes an astonishing case for the end of 1300 years of tradition and the inauguration of a whole new world. Get lifetime access to this study today!

Thanks for doing this study. It's so great to find things taught from the New Covenant, "new man" perspective!! So many churches are teaching a mixture of law and grace. This is a breath of fresh air.
Joan N.

Oh my goodness...Holy Spirit is opening up so many new areas of revelation. I can barely sleep at night for binging on all this wonderful wisdom, knowledge, revelation...I lack words really.
Peggy J.

Wow! Great job on Hebrews 4:12! It has always been preached about the division of soul and spirit with the word ’from’ and how the soul is bad - the spirit is perfect. Using the correct word ‘and’ you both explained it perfectly! Thank you!
Vanessa L.

Gain a fresh perspective of Christ & the cross from a radically good perspective.
Unlock the promises of God over your life - that are available for all believers.
Experience victory and freedom from the grip of sin - so you can live by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Created for individuals or small groups who desire the "more" of God.
Get lifetime access to go through it as often as you'd like.
The Hebrews Bible Study is an verse-by-verse journey through the book of Hebrews from a New Covenant perspective.
Who is it for?
This study for any individual or small group, whether you're a new believer or seasoned veteran, who desires a deeper understanding of all promises provided through Christ.
How does it work?
When you join, you are part of an 21-day guided journey through 21 video conversations between Bill & Don that covers the whole book of Hebrews. Follow along or go at your own pace.
Where does it take place?
This study takes place in an online membership portal with emails guiding you through the journey. You'll get discussion questions and more for deeper thinking.
What can I expect?
As you go through the lessons, you can expect for your faith to be awakened as you gain more freedom in your thinking – moving from a Law-based conscious to a grace-based reality.
Why does it exist?
We created this study because we've realized that many are still living out of an old covenant mindset and therefore not experiencing the full freedom & life Jesus died to give them.
When you join today, you'll be guided through the following 21 days (though you can go at your own pace)...
Hebrews Chapter 1
Part 1 - Hebrews 1:1-4
Discover how Jesus is our prophet, priest, and king, as well as the creator of the world. To see Him is to get the clearest picture of the nature and character of God.
Part 2 - Hebrews 1:5-14
Here, we define the relationship of Christ and us to angels. We also explore the oil of joy for gladness and how that can encourage us in times of trouble.

Hebrews Chapter 2
Part 3 - Hebrews 2:1-10
We now explore one of the strongest warnings in the New Covenant to the church; Don’t neglect so great a salvation! We also dive into a fascinating portion of Psalms quoted here.
Part 4 - Hebrews 2:11-18
Discover how the New Covenant lifts us above the fear of death and how Jesus Christ faced and conquered every temptation you will ever face and was triumphant over it for you and me.

Hebrews Chapter 3
Part 5 - Hebrews 3:1-1
To understand the New Covenant we must understand that Jesus Christ is singlehandedly our savior and sole advocate. Though he is a son, he is far more capable of leading us than Moses.
Part 6 - Hebrews 3:12-19
This section of Hebrews helps to define what evil truly is. We understand that sin is deceitful, and is the fruit of a lie we have believed about ourselves, about God, and about this world.

Hebrews Chapter 4
Part 7 - Hebrews 4:1-10
As we explore rest, we define what it means to live in a healthy fear of the Lord vs. an unhealthy fear. This section also connects us to the pattern of life set by God in the garden of Eden.
Part 8 - Hebrews 4:11-16
This section explores a vital revelation of the nature of the most powerful force in the universe, the Word of God. The case begins to be made for the end of the age of the law of Moses.

Hebrews Chapter 5&6
Part 9 - Hebrews 5:1-11
Discover how the priesthood of Jesus is superior to any of the priests of the old covenant. Also, be introduced to Melchizedek.
Part 10 - Hebrews 5:11-6:3
This section deals with dividing the basic elementary teachings of theology from the meat of the new covenant.
Part 11 - Hebrews 6:4-20
There is no sacrifice to be made for sin under the new covenant since Jesus Christ as our great high priest is truly better.

Hebrews Chapter 7
Part 12 - Hebrews 7:1-19
Now we explore in detail the character and significance of Melchizedek as the forerunner for the priesthood of Jesus Christ, who is more than worthy to offer the sacrifice for our redemption.
Part 13 - Hebrews 7:20-28
Here we discover the mind blowing revelation that Jesus Christ is not only going to be the great high priest who offers a sacrifice for us, but we learn that the sacrifice is Christ himself.

Hebrews Chapter 8&9
Part 14 - Hebrews 8:1-13
This chapter shows how Jesus is now established as all three elements necessary to put an end to the law and the sacrificial system for good.
Part 15 - Hebrews 9:1-28
The New Covenant is now introduced in all of its stunning radiance. We see the work of the Holy Spirit, the tabernacle of his people, the consumption of the ages, the putting away of sin, and the scope and significance of the finished work of the cross.

Hebrews Chapter 10
Part 16 - Hebrews 10:1-18
In this section we discover the limits and impotence of the law in comparison to the grace of Christ. We discover the revelation of the perfection of sanctification in Christ.
Part 17 - Hebrews 10:19-39
This section gives a strong warning and encourages all Christians to sever their connection to the law and place their trust in Jesus Christ alone – no mixture allowed.

Hebrews Chapter 11
Part 18 - Hebrews 11:1-26
We now enter the hall of fame of faith. We see their hope for a promise of the new covenant and the coming Kingdom of God that we now have access to.
Part 19 - Hebrews 11:27-40
Here concludes the list of heroes of faith and we find ourselves deeply inspired by their endurance. Do we have the same measure of faith? Do we have the same life of endurance?

Hebrews Chapter 12&13
Part 20 - Hebrews 12:1-29
When all is said and done, Jesus is better. This section shows us what those who went before us were looking toward. They had only a hope of what is now our reality.
Part 21 - Hebrews 13:1-25
Hebrews closes with some parting remarks that encourage righteous living and love for others. We are exhorted to imitate the life of those who walk in faith and live as unto the Lord.


Meet The Teachers:

Bill Vanderbush
If you ask Bill what he does, this is what he might say. "I write books and give talks on mystical spirituality defined in Christ."
Bill and Traci Vanderbush have been in ministry for over 30 years. Bill grew up on the mission field, traveling all over the world and seeing thousands impacted by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He married his childhood best friend and high school sweetheart, Traci, in 1991.
Bill and his wife, Traci, currently travel, speaking in conferences and churches around the world. Bill’s consuming passion is to introduce people to the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, who still saves, delivers, and heals. He enjoys empowering others to invade the impossible. Bill and Traci currently live in Orlando, Florida.

Don Wolabaugh
Don has been Pastoring now for 40 years. He has a father's heart and a desire to see the next generation rise to their greatest potential and step into their destiny fully equipped. His passion is to teach and train the Body of Christ in their identity in Jesus and empower them to impact the world for Him.
Senior Pastor and founder of Harvest Chapel, Don has a lifetime of empowering history makers who are impacting the world for the Kingdom of God.