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Discover Your Union With Christ In This Verse-By-Verse Journey Through The Book Of Ephesians – in the next 15 days!

The Christic Covenant - Ephesians Bible Study is for any believer who desires to walk in union with Christ Jesus. In this study you'll glean powerful, life-changing revelations to empower you to live life in intimate relationship with Christ. Get lifetime access to this study today - you name your price!

Thanks for doing this study. It's so great to find things taught from the New Covenant, "new man" perspective!! So many churches are teaching a mixture of law and grace. This is a breath of fresh air.
Joan N.

Oh my goodness...Holy Spirit is opening up so many new areas of revelation. I can barely sleep at night for binging on all this wonderful wisdom, knowledge, revelation...I lack words really.
Peggy J.

Wow wow wow. I started this journey through Ephesians today and my mind is blown. I LOVE learning about the Word!!!!! It’s better than I ever could have imagined. If you are hungry for truth, I highly recommend this study. Just incredible.
Katie T.

Gain a fresh revelation of your union with Christ Jesus through the finished work of the cross.
Unlock the newness of life in Christ by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
Live victoriously because of the decisive victory of the one who fills all in all.
Created for individuals or small groups who desire the "more" of God.
Get lifetime access to go through it as often as you'd like.
The Ephesians Bible Study is an verse-by-verse journey through the book of Ephesians from a New Covenant perspective.
Who is it for?
This study for any individual or small group, whether you're a new believer or seasoned veteran, who desires a deeper understanding of all promises provided through Christ.
How does it work?
When you join, you are part of an 15-day guided journey through 15 video conversations between Bill & Don that covers the whole book of Ephesians. Follow along or go at your own pace.
Where does it take place?
This study takes place in an online membership portal with emails guiding you through the journey. You'll also be able to interact and ask questions in our Facebook Group.
What can I expect?
As you go through the lessons, you can expect for your faith to be awakened as you gain deeper revelation of how Christ has saved you singlehandedly - so you can live victoriously by faith.
Why does it exist?
We created this study because we've realized that many Christians aren't living in intimate union with Christ Jesus that is freely available through the finished work of the cross.
When you join today, you'll be guided through the following 15 lessons (though you can go at your own pace)...
Part 1 - Ephesians 1:1-3 - Paul’s incredible introduction to this letter begins with an impartation and a revelation of identity as a result of union. Paul is setting us up to reveal what we already have access to because of the finished work of the cross.
Part 2 - Ephesians 1:4-8 - Could it be that you were found in Christ before you were lost in Adam? We now unveil the forgiveness, grace, and redemptive inheritance of Jesus Christ toward us that saves us singlehandedly.
Part 3 - Ephesians 1:9-14 - When the Gospel seems too good to be true, we look at Jesus who is the guarantee that what God has promised in the power of the resurrection is a newness of life in Christ by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

Part 7 - Ephesians 3:1-12 - Can the human ever be worthy to touch the Divine? If Christ makes us worth and says we’re worthy then we are. Because of the grace we’ve been given, now we can come to a holy God is confidence and boldness. We also learn how much power we have in the realm of the Spirit.
Part 8 - Ephesians 3:13-21 - How can you know what is beyond knowledge? This lesson explodes our perspective on the glorious future God has planned for us. The God who fills all in all fully intends to fill you with all of His fullness. Wrap your mind around that for awhile.
Part 9 - Ephesians 4:1-10 - There is no imposter syndrome in the kingdom of God. God has placed gifts in you for others. In the same way there are gifts of God for you hidden in people all around you. How you receive those gifts matters and that’s why honor is such a value to God. When we walk in honor toward one another, we draw out the gift hidden in them.

Part 10 - Ephesians 4:11-25 - Learning how to be the body requires letting go of an individualistic mindset and it’s worth it. Because there’s a perfection that is revealed when we come together as one. The five fold ministry gifts are there to encourage and empower that oneness. But the five fold ministry gifts aren’t a permanent fixture.
Part 11 - Ephesians 4:25-32 - The finished work of the cross didn’t take away your freedom to sin or misrepresent Jesus, the Gospel, or violate the values of the Kingdom. Conduct still matters, and how we carry ourselves in this life testifies to the empowering and transforming grace of Christ.

Part 12 - Ephesians 5:1-17 - We now continue to see Paul unveil conduct that is not to be named among us. Don’t give sin the power to mark your identity. We also discover that not every idea we have comes from the Holy Spirit. Even the righteous ones. This requires discernment to help us understand the difference between good ideas and God ideas.
Part 13 - Ephesians 5:18-33 - This lesson covers Paul’s advice on wine and marriage. Two things that seem, for some, to go together. Yet in both examples, the attention is drawn back to our union with the Spirit. When we realize that the handbook on husbands and wives is actually a revelation of Christ and us, it will enhance the intimacy of our perspective on both marriage and God.

Part 14 - Ephesians 6:1-24 - Tackling the issue of slavery is no small job when it comes to the language of the Bible. But I hope we unpacked it well enough to give you a New Covenant perspective. We also introduce in this lesson what we will unpack in Part 15 and that’s the armor of God. This chapter ends with a blessing of “incorruptible love.”
Part 15 - BONUS: The Armor of God. We’ve all heard the analogy that there’s no armor for your back. So a child of God is never on the defense or in retreat mode. But there are so many more amazing insights we can get from this incredible illustration. Paul uses Roman armor to define the six primary areas in our lives that we need to keep in view and steward well. Incredibly enough, the armor shows us what we have access to in the Spirit and how to walk in that power.


Meet The Teachers:

Bill Vanderbush
If you ask Bill what he does, this is what he might say. "I write books and give talks on mystical spirituality defined in Christ."
Bill and Traci Vanderbush have been in ministry for over 30 years. Bill grew up on the mission field, traveling all over the world and seeing thousands impacted by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He married his childhood best friend and high school sweetheart, Traci, in 1991.
Bill and his wife, Traci, currently travel, speaking in conferences and churches around the world. Bill’s consuming passion is to introduce people to the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, who still saves, delivers, and heals. He enjoys empowering others to invade the impossible. Bill and Traci currently live in Orlando, Florida.

Don Wolabaugh
Don has been Pastoring now for 40 years. He has a father's heart and a desire to see the next generation rise to their greatest potential and step into their destiny fully equipped. His passion is to teach and train the Body of Christ in their identity in Jesus and empower them to impact the world for Him.
Senior Pastor and founder of Harvest Chapel, Don has a lifetime of empowering history makers who are impacting the world for the Kingdom of God.